August 8, 2012
Themed 1st Birthday Ideas & Cake Bashing
On the last Sunday of July I had the opportunity to take photographs for the Shahid Family! They were looking for pictures of their sons first cake bash, (A cake bash photo session is when you take your one year old, put a large cake or cupcake in front of them, and they dive right in! It quite amusing, totally messy and tons of fun!). On this session we also did a family session.
Lots of photographs, lots of colors and you will just love it!
These are just some of the few images from their day! For this session my clients didn’t want a single image of their face shown anywhere online, so out of respect for them, I chose images that did not feature their faces for this blog post.
I hope you enjoy and I hope these images give you some ideas for your babys first birthday!
Cake Bash Photographer

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