Boise Photographer

& YOU thought adopting Lacey was big news..

Aug 30, 2012

August 30, 2012

orange county full time family photographer

My dad and I.

Sometimes there are those days when you hear a quote or read a bible verse and it hits you.

 That moment when you realize those words were meant for you and in that moment and in that time, and those words speak directly to you.

This week I heard and read those words and the first thing that came to my mind was,

“Gosh, I do not want to hear all of those negative comments from people and their lack of faith in me.”

I guess we pray so hard for some things, for so long, then when it finally happens, we are caught off guard, caught in that moment of “What if’s” & “Am I really ready?”

Let’s just say, I now know I’m ready.

It’s official, September 1st 2012 will be my first day as a Full Time Family Photographer in Orange County!I
I put in my few weeks notice at the Chiropractic office, which I LOVED however, I know this is the right decision for me.
So, I wanted to say thank you to all of my clients. You have been so amazing and helped my job turn into a career that I’m able to do full time.


I absolutely LOVE everything about photography.

I love the fact that I get to really interact with my clients, and create timeless images of them and their loved ones.

I love using the world as my backdrop and creating images using God’s Scenery.

I can’t even describe how blessed I feel to be able to transition into doing something I love day to day, and I pray that everyone will be able to experience, and begin that moment in their life where they get the opportunity to do something they love.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog & for those of you who have supported me with your love, support, and inspiring thoughts!

Thank you God for this opportunity and blessing into my life.

 I am so excited to devote even more time to my clients, my work, and getting to really connect with people.

B. Kincannon

 I thought the photo below was fitting.. It’s of me, taking a leap of faith and preparing to jump out of a plane.