Boise Photographer

Irvine Photographer Mother and Son Family Orange County

Jun 9, 2016

June 9, 2016

Irvine Photographer Mother and Son Portraits

Irvine Photography

So here I was, teaching my husband the art of photography. We got a new lens to practice with and he needed two test subjects. That’s when Matthew and I jumped in front of the camera to have Jeremiah take our mother and son portrait.

That’s when it happened.. our boisterous laughter turned in to an “oh my goodness” moment when I realized that we’re in the midst of potty training Matthew! That gasp turned into the sudden realization that the dark area on his pants was not a shadow. The poor kid had laughed so hard that he pee’d his pants and in his moment of fun decided to share that wetness with my pants while we were hugging.

We love to have our kids get excited over their family portraits, but lesson learned. Make sure they’ve used the restroom first.

At least we got some great portraits out of it before we had to head back to the house. :)

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