November 25, 2020
Every great story starts with a beginning, winds up in the middle somewhere, then hits a climax or cliffhanger….then….
Our story begins with a dream, a camera, a passion, and the drive to capture moments in time for people.

We look out into today’s world and wonder about things, don’t we. We remember that one book that our grandma read us (you know the one) because now and again, her uncle had got it from a friend of his and read it to her one time, so she passed it on to us to tell to read to the little ones we have if you remember to, it’s a good thing to pass memories on because it means we care about the future of those we’re passing it on to.
That’s exactly why we do what we do for those who book us.
Memory is such an intriguing thing. You can’t reach out and grab it, but somehow you can lose it.

Memories have the power to give back life to someone or something that no longer exists. It’s a powerful thing.
So, we feel, if memories are of such importance, as you can attest to, I’m sure, as you’re reading this and feeling all the feelings this is bringing up, you feel the same way. Having something tangible to commemorate a memory in the form of wall art or a portrait is an incredible thing when you think about it.
You are taking the intangible and capturing it in the form of an image to remind you of the all-too-tangible feelings you felt at that moment in time. You’re transported immediately into the state that that one memory can put you in, and it’s such a good feeling to have that reminder.
And we want all of our clients to feel that same way.
This is why at Kincannon Photography, we want you to enjoy your portrait experience, have fun, create memories, then fill your house with those powerful reminders of your love that you will cherish every time you’re transported back to those memories and feelings you felt.
You don’t have to book us now, later today, tomorrow, but when you do, we want you to know that we love doing what we do and providing you with the same memories our other clients have come to love.
So, as we pass the cliff hanger and head towards what you probably thought we would say in the end, we know that it’s really just the beginning, really. Memories last a lifetime and beyond, and we’re here for you because we love making that happen for others.

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